Cleanvac water jets are the most effective way to make your work easier and faster.
Robust steel frame for durability and durability.
Soft trigger gun system that maximizes vibration and pressure.
Ceramic piston pump.
High water flow.
Recoil resistant, easy-to-control trigger gun.
Circuit breaker when leakage current occurs.
R9 quadruple steel wire braided high pressure hose for longest life.
Top class performance for continuous operation and solution on heavy surfaces.
Motor protection provided by thermal relay.
Regulator provided with By-Pass system.
Cleanable, built-in water filter inside the machine.
Usage areas;
Apart from pressure washing operations, Road and Lane cleaning, Cleaning of concrete mold surfaces, Deck cleaning, Removing graffiti from the surface, Cleaning of concrete pumps, Cleaning of mussel shells around the boat, Algae cleaning, Pier cleaning, Coating removal, Step renewal, Pallet renewal and pallet cleaning , As a wet blasting machine, in paint scraping operations, Dirt and rust removal on metal surfaces, Truck body, Concrete mixer, Boat paint scraping
You can get information about Cleanvac zero washing machine prices from our line at +90 539 775 15 89.